September 05, 2003

Multiple browsering...

I found this rather amusing...I know you all read PP(*cough*), so you know I installed Mozilla so that I could see what I was missing at Pixy's site (it looks really good). Well, I was browsing around with it, and I notice that Tuning Spork's also displays differently than in IE (with Mozilla his blogroll and stuff is on the side, not the bottom). But those were the only real differences (Pixy's, Munuviana and Blather Review). Until today, when LeeAnn joined "we few, we happy few, we band of bloggers." Her site was bizarre looking, with a bird in the middle and blogroll all over the place...until I stopped by again with IE. Terrific looking blog, Lee Ann! Everything is where it's supposed to be! It was Mozilla that was wierd.... LOL!

Posted by Susie at September 5, 2003 04:31 AM | TrackBack

It's supposed to look that way. Weird, but correct.

It will sort itself out once there are enough entries so that the body is longer than the sidebar.

Posted by: Pixy Misa at September 5, 2003 05:02 AM

I doubt it was a browser identity crisis that made things look so very odd. I got hip-deep into template tweaking yesterday evening and for a while it was in severe flux.
And it's LeeAnn, no space. As the GM1 says, all the space is between my ears. Yeah, he's a funny guy. Oh yeah. I'm dying laughing. Uh-huh.
Thanks to everyone who aided/encouraged/nudged/enabled. :)

Posted by: LeeAnn at September 5, 2003 01:27 PM

Hmmm. My sidebar is at the bottom on your IE?? Strange. It's on the side when I go on with IE, but at the bottom when I go with netscape.
Browsers suck.

Posted by: Tuning Spork at September 6, 2003 02:57 AM

LOL! That is bizarre...

Posted by: Susie at September 6, 2003 03:21 AM
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