September 19, 2003

Avast, ye scurvy dogs

September 19th is International Talk Like a Pirate Day!

Thanks to annika, I have discovered my inner pirate:

You are The Cap'n!

Some men are born great, some achieve greatness and some slit the throats of any man that stands between them and the mantle of power. You never met a man you couldn't eviscerate. Not that mindless violence is the only avenue open to you - but why take an avenue when you have complete freeway access? You are the definitive Man of Action. You are James Bond in a blousy shirt and drawstring-fly pants. Your swash was buckled long ago and you have never been so sure of anything in your life as in your ability to bend everyone to your will. You will call anyone out and cut off their head if they show any sign of taking you on or backing down. You cannot be saddled with tedious underlings, but if one of your lieutenants shows an overly developed sense of ambition he may find more suitable accommodations in Davy Jones' locker. That is, of course, IF you notice him. You tend to be self absorbed - a weakness that may keep you from seeing enemies where they are and imagining them where they are not.

What's Yer Inner Pirate?
brought to you by The Official Talk Like A Pirate Web Site. Arrrrr!

So, me hearties--any of ye scurvy excuses fer bloggers willin' to challenge me? Take the test! Post yer results! Arrrr!

Posted by Susie at September 19, 2003 04:03 AM

You can't be the Cap'n Susie, I'm the Cap'n!

Posted by Pixy Misa at September 19, 2003 04:35 AM

I'm the Captain of the theater! Arrrr! ;)

Posted by Susie at September 19, 2003 04:42 AM

Due to circumstances beyond my control,
I am master of my fate and captain of my soul.

Posted by Pixy Misa at September 19, 2003 05:21 AM

Well, somebody's gotta be.....

Posted by Susie at September 19, 2003 05:32 AM

I'm the cap'n too. Me thought it was fixed so I changed me answers and lo' it changed the outcome.

Posted by Jennifer at September 19, 2003 01:26 PM

I was the Capt'n too, but then there was this mutiny and they tied me to the yardarm and threw the chumbucket at me and it goes downhill from there because I haven't had coffee yet and can't continue with piratey terminology until I do.
I am happily surprised I properly spelt "terminology", though.
Maybe I am the Capt'n of Spellage.

Posted by LeeAnn at September 19, 2003 02:09 PM
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