Susie and Spork noted that Munuvia has been a little bit flaky today. I'm not sure exactly what's going on, but one of my IP addresses - just one, but the important one, because it's where the blogs live - has decided to disappear from the internet for short intervals.
Weird. Just plain weird. All the others work fine, except for the one I assigned to the second ethernet port which no longer seems to be connected to anything at all. If problems persist, I will move the blogs to a different IP.
Beyond that... Well, beyond that there is the New Server™. I'll be talking more about the New Server™ in coming weeks. It doesn't actually exist yet; I'm still scouting out the best deals and the most reliable hosting companies. But it is definitely on the cards now, and will probably (bangs head on wood) be up and running before Christmas.
Unless, of course, the mice get to it first.
Posted by Pixy Misa at October 3, 2003 11:24 AM | TrackBack(cue Rod Serling) You have entered....The NoMu Zone... (fading maniacal laughter)
Posted by: Susie at October 3, 2003 04:58 PMOoooh, shiver.
Posted by: Jennifer at October 3, 2003 09:47 PMEeee!
Posted by: Pixy Misa at October 4, 2003 03:27 AMI think you meant "eeek!" (because of the mice, you see....)
Posted by: Susie at October 4, 2003 05:34 AMSo the new server is like doesn't actually exist, but if we're very very good....
Posted by: LeeAnn at October 4, 2003 06:42 PM