I've always wondered about this, but never had such an august panel of minds at my disposal for the answer.
Sometimes after visiting a website, I find that no matter how many times I click the "back" button, it remains on that same page... it might do that little reload movement, but naught else. The only way to leave is to access the little downward pointing arrow on the back button and choose the last page you were at from the dropdown. (I'm using IE, by the way.)
I get extremely peeved at this, in that it feels akin to kidnapping. Held hostage against normal means of leaving by a hostile force. Kinda.
Why does it do that?
When you go to a page that redirects you to another page, if you go back one then you just get redirected again.
Posted by Pixy Misa at October 14, 2003 01:29 AMSometimes if you click Back twice really fast it works...
Posted by Pixy Misa at October 14, 2003 12:02 PMYou can also, instead of clicking "Back," click the arrow right beside it, and then choose which page you'd like to visit. (The arrow will give you a listing of a bunch of recent pages you've visited).
That should hellp some.
Posted by hln at October 14, 2003 12:32 PMOr, you could get off IE "the Blogspot of Browsers" and come join the cool people on Mozilla.
Considering we are the land of the cow puppies, shouldn't that be Moozilla?
Posted by LeeAnn at October 21, 2003 01:43 AM