Hey I'm ready to make the move over here from Blog*Spot. I've got my templates to where they are acceptable and look like my old blog.
I have some minor questions:
How can I get a 3px border on the right of the calendar?
Do I have to do someting with my sitemeter to keep accurate counts?
Do I have to re-register with The Bear?
Where is the best info I can get regarding pictures?
How do I get the sidebar to remain the same width down the page, although I do not perceive a problem after I import my old posts?
Other than some minor template tweeks, I'm ready to import. I have my Blog*Spot template backed up and am ready to proceed.
I'll be checking my e-mail regularly today, if anyone is available to assist or AIM:mjt7665 as I am online today!
Thank you everyone for your assistance and making me feel at home!!
Posted by Madfish Willie at October 25, 2003 09:43 PMI'm not actually here.
SiteMeter...I think you have to get a new one. I could be wrong.
Ecosystem...better off just registering the new site.
Sidebar...will be fixed when you put more entries in.
If you need more help, I'll be home Sunday.
Posted by Jennifer at October 25, 2003 10:08 PMI got the Calendar border fixed... duh?
I'm going over to re-register with The Bear and update my Sitemeter right now.
Woo hoo!! Welcome to Munuvia! I'm have a pitcher of Lowenbrau Octoberfest!
Posted by Tuning Spork at October 26, 2003 01:54 AMOoops, I'll have a pitcher... You da bartender!
Posted by Tuning Spork at October 26, 2003 01:55 AMYou can just copy the old sitemeter across.
As for the Bear, you can just list your new url as an alternate to your old one, but it doesn't seem to work very well.
Posted by Pixy Misa at October 26, 2003 02:45 AMPixy - I registered the new site already. No big deal. I've got a contest running right now anyway and am at this very second getting a Gut Rumbles - lanche for votes. Probably need to keep the site up till next week and then make the move.
No worries. Much better to do it in an orderly fashion than try to rush things.
Posted by Pixy Misa at October 26, 2003 03:44 AMHow do I get my Categories to show on the posted by line? How do I get them to show up in the sidebar? How to adjust the comments window so that the text entry box fits inside the window without scrolling?
I used the script to blogroll Munuvians in both my blogs. Thanks to Pixy Misa for writing that!
Posted by The Bartender at October 26, 2003 05:08 PMGo here for the categories in the posted by line.
We have a lot of html tricks/tips in here...just search.
Thanks Jennifer - I got the info I needed to do what I wanted to do. FWIW, I have a really good on-line HTML guide here:
It's been helping me alot the last few days - I'm a little rusty, not having coded in years. I did some hand coded pages way back in 1992 but not much since so....
Thanks for your assistance!
My favorite Barkeep--your mu blog is getting better, BUT the links are kind of hard to read against the lovely teal background. Could you make them either lighter or darker? Thanks loads!
Posted by Susie at October 27, 2003 06:27 AMSusie: are you using Mozilla or Firewhaterveritis? Someone else told me that today and when they switched to IE everything looked ok to them.... ???
Posted by The Bartender at October 28, 2003 01:53 AMMozilla--Pixy converted me after The Affair of the Large Fonts...
Posted by Susie at October 28, 2003 05:43 AM