I ran across a really cool web site the other day. It generates random stories using Star Trek characters, locales, themes, etc. Since my site is about entertainment and not opinion, I thought I'd replace the Star Trek characters and themes with Bloggers and blognames to see how funny it would be. Then you just project your mental (or otherwise) image of the blogger into the scene. I've done two posts using this format and I think it's really funny. I'm calling this new series Random Madfish TV
Anyway, I thought I'd use the Munuvian members as replacements in the future. Lots of linky luv everyday, plus you have to come by to see what ridiculous situation you get into.
If you have a favorite Star Trek character, or two, you would like to be, let me know. The characters go across the entire spectrum of all the differenet series, good guys, bad guys, everything... so let me know - first come, first served!
PS: I think I've just ruined Star Trek for a whole generation of viewers. Mwahahaha!
Posted by Madfish Willie at October 28, 2003 08:53 PMOoh, Ooh! I want to be Data (is this Next Gen or Original or all of them?)! Or somebody just totally cool. I mean out of this world awesome. Like Scotty
As far as I can tell, all the characters from all the series are inlcuded in the random story generation. So you can pick more than one, and pick some bad guys too.
I've got you down for Data, but I kind of had Rocket Jones penciled in for Scotty (I'm clever like that), Pixy Misa for Captain Picard, and as I go along I'll just assign different bloggers to different characters. Then I can post a bug list for everyone to see.
Should I just have one blogger assigned to one character? Maybe that would be easier to follow? You guys tell me.
Posted by The Bartender at October 28, 2003 09:55 PMRachel, you're thinking Star Wars, not Star Trek. Star Trek is Capt Kirk, Spock, Picard, No.1, Data, Scotty, Troy, .... all those guys.
Posted by The Bartender at October 29, 2003 12:14 AMSusie = Deanna Troi
Do you think I should leave the bad guys as they are? I think that would make the stories more interesting to the Munuvians and the readers. Going up against a real alien and kicking ass! What do you think?
I wanted to be Scotty, but I gotta admit: Ted would make a great Scotty...certainly better than I would be.
You definitely must define: Real Star Trek or undigestible Next Gen (and beyond)?
Either way, I want to be Ensign Deadmeat--that guy who shows up in an episode only to be killed in a brutal manner, like being made into a big twelve-sided die which gets crumbled between the fingers of somebody so I can't be reconstituted. You know the episode.
Makes it easy to give your stories a punchline: Oh, my God! They killed Victor! (or Deadmeat, or whatever).
Oh, and Deanna Troi *must* be renamed Counselor Cleavage (but you can pronounce it cle-VAUJ to make it sound cool, if you want to).
Posted by Victor at October 29, 2003 01:02 PMYou can call the bad guys the Moore-ons, and their leader is My-kel. Babs Moore-on is his wife, and their distinguishing marks are fat asses, facial fur, and noses the size of the Bronx, as well as a complete lack of regard for the truth and common sense.
Dang, Willie, this is a good idea! Almost makes me regret that comment I left in your blog!
Posted by Victor at October 29, 2003 01:07 PMThat's great, Victor...except for our own beloved Moore.
Posted by Jennifer at October 29, 2003 01:43 PMDaniel, how's your singing voice? Riley was an Irish tenor, sorta.
I think Tom would make a fine Sulu. He's got that certain elan needed.
Other than plumbing, Mookie reminds me of Chekov. Young, impetuous, smart, courageous, proud... She needs to work on her accent though.
I always thought My-Kel and Dan-Yel were twins seperated at birth.
(Daniel's gonna hate me for this.)
The only thing that can defeat the Moore-ons is soap.
Hey! Are you that jealous, Victor?
I still love you, ya know.
Posted by Jennifer at October 29, 2003 02:44 PMNO. I am NOT that jealous.
Actually, mebbe My-Kel is a renegade Moore-on. Yeah, that could work...and Daniel, as Data, is trying to kill him to bring honor back to the family of robots or androids or manimals or whatever the hell he was...lemurs...something like that.
Posted by Victor at October 29, 2003 03:36 PM
Okay, as long as you're not saying Daniel is in the same cess-pool as Michael, Mykel, whatever.
Did I tell you I got a comment from Jade Gold the other day? Deleted, banned, never heard from again (knock on wood).
Posted by Jennifer at October 29, 2003 05:09 PM"Separated at birth". Thanks for defending me Jen. I could never be spawned from the same "cess-pool" as My-Kel. His family of Moore-ons fell out of favor with the entirety of Moore-ons eons ago. He is the result of generations of toxic mutations contaminating his genetic pool. We try to save them with varying degrees of success (see Roj-Err the Moore-on) and sometimes one becomes a gnat just annoying the greater society of Moore-onia.
Posted by Daniel at October 29, 2003 09:08 PM