There's so many: Munuvians, Munuvianans, Munu-kins, Munchkins, etc...
Those are just the ones I can recall seeing off the top of my head.
Any others?
Posted by Daniel at October 31, 2003 01:30 PMmunukids. But that makes us sound like a really bad pop group. Take your pick, Spice Girls, or Backstreet Boys? Or the ultimate suckage-New Kids on the Block. hehe.
I can the Brady Kids singing that.
"When it's time to gab
click the New Entry tab...;
The Munuvian Conspirators? (Not that we're trying to take over the Blogosphere or anything....)
Posted by Tim the Michigander at November 2, 2003 07:06 PMNo, of course not, why would we be trying to do that