November 04, 2003

Is it just me?

Or are we getting slower? Especially popping comments on MuNu blogs seems to be taking a long time. RSS pulls are still lightning fast but opening a page off of an RSS link is also taking a while.

Or is it just me?

Posted by Jim at November 4, 2003 09:53 AM | TrackBack

Comments are a problem on Movable Type blogs. Particularly if you have category archives enabled, because if you leave a comment, it rebuilds the post and all archives which contain that post. Category archives grow without bound so...

Lousy design, I must say.

The server remains 99% idle; there is plenty of bandwidth available. The only cure is a much faster processor or a change of blogging software. :)

Posted by: Pixy Misa at November 4, 2003 12:49 PM

Ouch. Maybe get rid of some of the archive styles that we don't really use. I think I have date archiving on but I never refer to those, only category and individual.

Posted by: Jim at November 4, 2003 01:57 PM

Okay, I tried to get rid of my date based archiving and ran into a problem. I went to the archiving page of weblog config and removed the checkbox next to monthly. When I rebuilt I got an error in MTArchive saying something about the monthly archive not being part of the site specifications. Sorry that's not specific, I panicked when I saw the error so immediately went in and put Monthly back on and rebuilt again.

Where else do I have to change settings to get rid of an archive set?

Posted by: Jim at November 5, 2003 09:55 AM
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