Howdy-is there any one place where I can find all the pics that I have uploaded? See, I no longer have said pc where I once loaded them all from, and I need to find a pic that I once had. Any advice?
Posted by Everydaystranger at December 15, 2003 12:44 PM | TrackBackit depends if you named an archive or just generally uploaded 'em. Try or
They were pictures I loaded up onto the sidebar. Does that mean they're AWOL?
Posted by: Helen at December 15, 2003 07:08 PMThey're in your archives directory. I don't have your email address here at work, but I'll send you a list once I get home.
Mr H has added a simple file manager to the list of features for the new blog software.
Posted by: Pixy Misa at December 16, 2003 04:03 AMGotta love Mr. H!!! He's really on top of things!!
Posted by: Susie at December 16, 2003 05:31 AMIf Mr H survives tomorrow - no sure thing - he should have time to acutally do some stuff over Christmas.
Posted by: Pixy Misa at December 16, 2003 11:51 AMAny luck yet Helen?
Posted by: Susie at December 16, 2003 02:44 PMMy email at home is slightly broken
I moved to a new computer on the weekend and not everything is working quite right.
I'll get the list to you somehow, Helen...
Posted by: Pixy Misa at December 16, 2003 03:44 PMNote to self: I do have Helen's email address here at work. Duh. Silly Pixy.
Posted by: Pixy Misa at December 16, 2003 10:40 PM