Has anyone else noticed that the rpc.weblogs.com is getting a little... snotty, one might say, with its rejection of pingage?
"Ping 'http://rpc.weblogs.com/RPC2' failed: Ping error: Thanks for the ping, however we can only accept one ping every half-hour. It's cool that you're updating so often, however, if I may be so bold as to offer some advice -- take a break, you'll enjoy life more."
Don't make me stop this blog and come back there, you.
Attitude indeed. Pffftt.
Pfft and double pfft! (Goes to check up on LeeAnn's blog.)
Posted by Pixy Misa at December 19, 2003 04:02 PMUh oh.... *shoving dirty laundry under the bed and hiding the most incriminating items in the sock drawer*
Posted by LeeAnn at December 19, 2003 04:06 PMHaha! It's always the sock drawer. (Looks.) Um, socks? LeeAnn? Your sock drawer is full of socks.
Posted by Pixy Misa at December 19, 2003 04:17 PMFYI: I saw the same message over at Margi Lowry's site tonight so it's not just us.
Posted by The Bartender at December 20, 2003 06:15 AMHi everybody! Probably not the best place to say thank you SO much for the warm welcome! But I think I have some insight in the matter.
Unless I completely misunderstand what you mean by the usage of the word 'ping', I think they're probably blocking a certain percentage of pings as a precaution. Either they want to mitigate the chances of a Denial of Service attack, or filter out the chances of absolute floods of pings that are still reverberating across the internet thanks to the RPC worms earlier in the fall. (Dang those RPC worms, anyways! Nassty, virulent little buggses they are, preciousss...)
Anyhoo, just my two cents'.
Again, you guys are all great! Thanks again for such an awesome welcome.
Your friend,