December 30, 2003

Question for the smart people

I was recently emailed that when some people try to access my blog, they get this:
504 Gateway Timeout Error
Now, is it something I've done/am doing wrong? Does anyone else have a problem peeking at my cheese?
Please let me know, if so.

Posted by LeeAnn at December 30, 2003 03:21 AM | TrackBack

Hmmm. That means that their ISP's proxy server couldn't get to MuNu. Which shouldn't happen unless MuNu is actually down. Which it isn't.

Or if you have something on your page which is on another site? An image or... Hmm.

Yes, there's something up. The page loads fine, except for something that doesn't load. And I don't know what it is. If you're not going through a proxy, no problem. If the proxy is configured right, probably no problem. In this case, they get an error even though the page is available.

Posted by: Pixy Misa at December 30, 2003 04:36 AM

I've never had a problem tasting the Cheese. But, that's just me...

Posted by: Tuning Spork at December 30, 2003 07:33 AM

It loads images from all over the place. I suspect one of them is currently offline.

Posted by: Pixy Misa at December 30, 2003 12:00 PM

Lately I've been getting "time outs" from comments I post on munu it me or mozilla or munu?

Posted by: Susie at December 30, 2003 02:05 PM

Lessee... I've got my pictures hosted at the freebie page that came with my cable contract, and they usually are up in in a timely manner, so I would guess it's the quizzes and perhaps the statcounters. Hmmm.
Wonder if I put the quiz picture things in the extended entry, would that take some of the burden off?

Posted by: LeeAnn at December 30, 2003 02:54 PM

Susie - hmmm. It could be munu. It's not Mozilla, because Mozilla itself doesn't have a timeout.

LeeAnn - I think it's one specific image somewhere that's having a problem. Maybe someone can work out which one.

Posted by: Pixy Misa at December 30, 2003 03:18 PM
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