January 08, 2004


I know that usually this particular blog is a clearing house for various Munvianans bits and pieces like welcoming newcomers, helping on templates and the like. And I know everyone gets asked from time to time where does the .mu.nu bit come from? And I even know that the .nu bit comes from a little island called Niue, which sold their rights to the domain to a company called NuNames. It meant a tiny island in the Pacific found a way to supplement their incomes a little.

Little Niue got smashed yesterday by a massive cyclone. You can read about it here. Now I don't often preach or anything, but given the connection between Munu and this little island, I'd like to suggest some kind of Munuvian effort to help our cousins on this island. There doesn't seem to be any appeals setup yet, but the Australia Red Cross has some information and the NZ Red Cross are setting something up.

Just letting y'all know.

UPDATE: Pixy found the link for the donations to NZ Red Cross for this.

Posted by Simon at January 8, 2004 05:21 AM | TrackBack

Thanks Simon. I was looking for a way to help out, but the appeal hadn't been set up as of yesterday.

The New Zealand Red Cross has a Pacific Cyclone Relief Appeal here. One NZ dollar is about 67 US cents, or to put it the other way, one US dollar is NZ $1.50.

Posted by: Pixy Misa at January 8, 2004 09:10 AM

Thanks, guys!

Posted by: Susie at January 8, 2004 01:32 PM
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