January 10, 2004

Literary Spam

Damn. I was busy entering this entry and my computer crashed. This time it was apparently a problem with the video drivers rather than my carnivorous mousie.

Anyway, we've just been hit by a stream of literary spam:

The world is a beautiful book for those who can read it.

Posted by: Campbell Jamie at January 10, 2004 05:06 AM

An ad for weight loss pills.
Truth is a kind and gentle lie.

Posted by: Miles Eli at January 10, 2004 05:04 AM

Another one.
The superior man loves his soul, the inferior man loves his property.

Posted by: Walker David at January 10, 2004 05:04 AM

Discount drugs.
People who do not think far enough ahead inevitably have worries near at hand.

Posted by: Camuto Andera Camuto at January 10, 2004 05:04 AM

Porn site.
There are as many translators as there are humans.

Posted by: Townsend Maya at January 10, 2004 04:32 AM

Quit smoking schemes.
I can't understand why a person will take a year to write a novel when he can easily buy one for a few dollars.

Posted by: schlanger karen at January 10, 2004 04:14 AM

Penis enlargement pills.

Anyway, I've added them all to the Blacklist and de-spammed everyone. My good deed for the day.

Posted by Pixy Misa at January 10, 2004 07:19 AM

Thank you Pixy...I ban the IP of every one of those a__holes offa my own blog, just to be sure. I looked here yesterday to see if I could find a way to ban them from here, too, but...didn't find one. Just wanted to help ya out some, if I could.
I swear to God, some people need to get real lives, ya know?

Posted by Stevie at January 10, 2004 11:21 PM

I found another one--breast enlargements (thanks, mine are fine). Grrr....

Posted by p.mu.nu">Susie at January 12, 2004 06:45 AM

Ok what's up? Dang! The comments aren't remembering me anymore, AND all my Mozilla bookmarks are gone! So I can't find the blacklist page to enter the latest critter to leave its spoor in my comments...sigh...

Posted by Susie at January 12, 2004 02:35 PM

I'm not sure what's up there - it's a cookie problem, but I'm not sure exactly what cookie problem.

But the blacklist page is at http://blog.mu.nu/cgi/mt-blacklist.cgi so at least you can get rid of the evil spooring spammers.

Posted by Pixy Misa at January 12, 2004 02:47 PM
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