Also, which of the blogs are the most popular (in terms of visits)?
And is there a better measuring device than Site Meter?
Posted by Everydaystranger at January 20, 2004 08:45 AM | TrackBack"And is there a better measuring device than Site Meter?"
Not really, SiteMeter collects pretty much all the information it can collect about your visitors and does quite a bit of processing to boot.
The more professional stats services will collect exactly the same information but will just format it in new and interesting ways! The best system I've seen for ranking popularity is the EcoSystem which cross references hits against links.
This is a cut down version of Google's Page Rank technology which for some reason gives all blogs a rating of 5! Go figure...
Posted by: rob at January 20, 2004 09:19 AMI just find it weird-it basically always says I have roughly 520 hits a day, but I get quite a few comments and a few times I have popped in to find that over 100 people trucked through in an hour. So it seems weird that this number never seems to budge.
Posted by: Helen at January 20, 2004 10:18 AMSitemeter does seem to have some problems. For one thing, it sometimes simply stops logging hits for a few hours.
I'm building site stat tracking directly into Minx, so it won't need an external thingy. Also, the new server has some nice analysis tools that run directly off the Apache log files.
But we don't have either of those yet
On a related issue, I was curious how much bandwidth I use (I'm sure I'm breaking the bank - heh) or something like that. Is there a way to know that???
Posted by: Daniel at January 20, 2004 12:44 PMI could work it out from your log file.
Again, the new server has tools for monitoring that. I hope the problems I'm having with it get fixed soon so we can move.
Posted by: Pixy Misa at January 20, 2004 01:43 PM