January 24, 2004

New Mu Nu Are Poo

The techies have given up on the new Mu Nu server. Having updated and patched the kernel, changed the filesysem, tested with and without software RAID, swapped out one of the disk drives and replaced the memory, we have come to the conclusion that the server is cursed.

They are now assembling a new (non-cursed) server. If anyone would care to sacrifice a chicken, it might not go amiss.

Update: The new machine is built and the techies are curently running some tests. Hope that pork chop did the trick, Susie!

Posted by Trixie Misa at January 24, 2004 06:05 AM

Trixie? Are you Pixy's evil twin?

Posted by Susie at January 24, 2004 06:26 AM

It just so happens I sacrificed a pork chop earlier. Hope it helps...

Posted by Susie at January 24, 2004 06:28 AM

Darn, I forgot to log out before posting that.

The explanation for Trixie is on my blog.

Posted by Pixy Misa at January 24, 2004 07:12 AM
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