The new uncursed MuNu server is ready - or so the little tech support birdy told me.
As soon as Mermaid Melody Pichi Pichi Pitch has stopped clogging up my bandwidth, I'll be logging in and having a little play around.
Update: I notice that the new new server has 80GB disks instead of the 60GB disks I actually paid for. Should I mention that? Since it would cost them more in time to swap them out than the disks are worth, I doubt they'd care much at this point.
Update: It's alive! Watch for updates.
Posted by Pixy Misa at January 25, 2004 06:14 PMHonesty is the best policy.
If that one doesn't work, try "a rolling stone gathers no moss"...
How about "discretion is the better part of valour".
Posted by Simon at January 26, 2004 06:52 AMUmm...why am I not allowed to post comments? I get an ugly message "You are not allowed to post a comment, probably because you suck."
Posted by Helen at January 26, 2004 01:12 PMOK, I can post here, but couldn't post under the entry below, "Ban This IP". I have had big problems with that guy, too. But it would'nt let me comment on the entry, it kept telling me it wouldn't let me comment because I suck. So...what's up?
Posted by Helen at January 26, 2004 01:14 PMI dunno. Do you suck?
That's the message that MT Blacklist gives to spammers. If you try to quote part of a piece of spam in a comment, it thinks you're a spammer too. MT Blacklist hates spammers... Unfortunately, sometimes it gets a little confused.
Posted by Pixy Misa at January 26, 2004 01:31 PMOh yeah. Today I totally suck. Definitely.
Which is why I didn't even post today
I've just spent 45 minutes watching for updates and nothing happened. Pixy?
Posted by Simon at January 27, 2004 05:42 AMKeeeeep waaaaatchiiing.
Or not.
I'll post some info tonight.
Posted by Pixy Misa at January 27, 2004 07:59 AM