Hello everyone!
Big thanks to Pixy Misa for making this move possible.
I've read the instructions, and they seem simple:
a) read the instructions
b) read them again
c) replenish coffee
d) remember there's a dirty plate in the sink and wash it
e) read the instructions
f) decide laundry Must Be Done
Have I missed anything?
One dumb question: after I copy the Blogger template, where do I save it?
UPDATE: Thanks to Jim and the Rubber Chicken, I think I'm getting it. I need to confirm what I think I know with Pixy Misa, but I'm posting.
Thanks to all for the encouragement!
June 15, 2005 - I can be so dumb. I only just figured out how to stop the spam comments.
Posted by Debbye at March 16, 2004 02:12 PMDid you feed the cat?
Um, copy the Blogger template? Are you talking about exporting your archives, or something else?
Posted by Pixy Misa at March 16, 2004 02:29 PMDon't forget to wave the rubber voodoo chicken! Seriously, I've seen horrific results when people forgot that basic step. If you don't have your own rubber voodoo chicken a rubber voodoo squirrel will do in a pinch.
Posted by Jim at March 16, 2004 02:41 PMCats get fed after I turn on the computer and coffee maker! One must be firm with pets.
I think I got ahead of myself; I stupidly looked at the importing etc. page before I looked closely at the installation page. Eyes. Glaze. Tech. Stuff.
I don't go into work today (it's not yet 10 a.m. here) so should be able to get a good start on it if not finish it altogether. (Yeah, right.)
Posted by Debbye at March 16, 2004 02:43 PMJim, I don't have a rubber voodoo chicken! I'm doomed, doomed I tell you.
Why won't the comments remember my personal info? I even remembered to click the Yes button.
Posted by Debbye at March 16, 2004 02:46 PMI have 3rd party cookies blocked but not cookies. Could that be the problem?
Posted by Debbye at March 16, 2004 03:08 PMHmm. Maybe. Try turning the blocking off just while you post a comment.
Does Munuviana remember you?
Oh - slightly tricky. There are two different cookies depending on whether you are using the little comment pop-up window or the post plus comments page. The pop-up window remembers you MuNu wide, but the post plus comments page is per blog. You if you've used one, the other one won't know you yet.
Ignore me if that makes no sense to you
Pixy, you were right. I enabled "prompt" for third party cookies, and now have an autocomplete pop-down when entering information.
My kids go to really weird sites which is why I disallow 3rd party cookies, but this pop-down option works for me.
I'm re-reading your emails and starting from scratch to figure out what domain, web-server, etc. mean.
Jim, I looked and can't locate a rubber squirrel either. My only hope is to wave rubber gloves or a live cat. Surely an offended cat counts as some kind of mojo?
Posted by Debbye at March 16, 2004 03:39 PMThe pop-up comments fetch the global munu cookie (from blogs.mu.nu) which is how it remembers you for all MuNu blogs. If I changed that to just mu.nu it would probably not be regarded as foreign, but there's a bug in IE and it would just lose the cookie entirely. Can't win sometimes...
Cats are definite mojo. Don't try waving one, though.
Debbye, I've waved my rubber voodoo chicken in a proxy mojo generation manoever for you (I'm in QA - I've got a full stable of rubber voodoo critters). You should be able to use a cat to channel it on your end.
Posted by Jim at March 16, 2004 06:38 PMJim, thank you so much. I did my part too; the cat was mightily offended and glared most convincingly which surely scared away the bad mojo.
After reading all the instruction, I realized I just have to screw up my courage and learn by doing.
Posted by Debbye at March 16, 2004 07:23 PMDid someone say cookies? I'll ahve a choc-chip thanks.
Posted by Simon at March 17, 2004 05:17 AMSomeone ate all the choc-chip.
We still have macadamia shortbreads.
Posted by Pixy Misa at March 17, 2004 05:52 AMYay! I have archives. and a mountain of work in trying to organize and so on.
Pixy, I have questins but I will hold off for now. Thanks for all your hard work and espcially your patience.
Jim, I don't know if you passed that rubber chicken late last night (my time) but I passed the stupid cat at 4 a.m. and finally got it right.
Must. Get. Rubber. Chicken.
More interested in cookies! Love macadamia nuts, haven't seen one since I moved from the West Coast. Shortbread macadamia cookies? Why not?
Posted by Debbye at March 17, 2004 07:02 PM