I just got this email from a reader:
Hi Sarah,
I posted a comment yesterday to this entry: blah blah
I was refused on the first attempt with the following message:
"Your comment could not be submitted, possibly because you suck. If you're not a spammer, try making your comment look less like spam. My allergies have cleared up fine, thank you. Oh, and if you are a spammer, piss off. (By the way, your comment looked like spam for serenade.splinder.it to me, because you said "serenade.splinder.it".)"
Now http://serenade.splinder.it is my personal blog, not spam at all - and I see other people posted their own blog URLs. I think your spam filter is being a little too aggressive...
Holy crap. I don't have so many readers that I can afford to piss new ones off! I couldn't find a way to make my comments section more friendly. Help?
Sarah--looks like Pixy added it 2003/12/11 ... the listing is for some poker url, though, so I don't know if it's a glitch or the guy has a "secret identity"...
Posted by Susie at March 20, 2004 01:40 PMHmm. That's odd.
What probably happened was a comment from him triggered another Blacklist entry, and then he got added to the blacklist as well.
Sometimes when we get a burst of spam I don't check every single entry. Sorry about that.
Anyway, I've taken him off the list.