All of a sudden, overnight, I went from Large Mammel to Flappy Bird in the Ecosystem. I had 115 links yesterday, and today I have 20?
What is that crazy bear doing?
Posted by Tom Jefferson at March 22, 2004 01:45 PMthe bear's been having trouble recently... I noticed that my ranking seemed to be stuck and the history of rankings seemed to be repeated... I've dropped from 1829 to 3162 in one day so I think the Bear has had toroll back the system or is recompiling the blog directory ... not sure why though
Posted by Rob at March 22, 2004 02:06 PMThe same thing happened to me. The Ecosystem doesn't seem to be counting Javascript links anymore (i.e. Alliance and Munuvia blogrolls).
Posted by CD at March 22, 2004 05:12 PMHey, I am havin' to build my way back up to the top all over again, so quit your cryin' already.
I am barely on the charts over there now.
Well, there goes my conspiracy theory, if it's not just me.
Posted by LeeAnn at March 23, 2004 02:31 PM