Who needs Sitemeter? Or Statcounter?
Up in the sky!
Is it a gif?
Is it a Javascript?
Just add this to your templates in the appropriate place:
<script type="text/javascript" language="javascript" src="http://counter.mu.nu/count.js"></script>Stand up and be counted!
<noscript><img src="http://counter.mu.nu/count.gif" border="0"></noscript>
Unfortunately, right now only I can see the stats, but I'll write I have written a little script to publish them periodically at counter.mu.nu.
Do we install this in our templates and then it will count all the hits from everyone in MuNu? If so that's sounds like a cool idea.
Pixy: Go check out this post over at Margi Lowry, please sir.
Posted by: Madfish Willie at March 26, 2004 05:09 PMOh joy--more template diving....and my snorkle and beekeeper's suit are being retro-fitted....
Posted by: Susie at March 26, 2004 05:09 PMIs there supposed to be an image displayed in this code somewhere? I just installed it in my index template and no image???
Posted by: Madfish Willie at March 26, 2004 05:18 PMDitto what the Barkeep said above....or is it a magic, INVISIBLE counter?
Posted by: Susie at March 26, 2004 05:22 PMNo, it's entirely invisible. But the stats at counter.mu.nu should update every two hours.
Posted by: Pixy Misa at March 26, 2004 05:22 PMP.S. Emailed Margi. Thanks for the notice.
Posted by: Pixy Misa at March 26, 2004 05:29 PMDang.
There's a slight problem here, in that viewing the stats page skews the stats.
I might move the stats page somewhere else... But not right this minute.
Posted by: Pixy Misa at March 26, 2004 05:51 PMFYI The stats are showing up, but I still have no image in my sidebar for the counter.
Posted by: Madfish Willie at March 26, 2004 05:51 PMUm, yes. It's invisible.
Posted by: Pixy Misa at March 26, 2004 05:59 PMin the template, do i put this between the [head][/head] thingies or down at the bottom near the [/body] thingy where my sitemeter code is located?
Posted by: annika at March 26, 2004 11:21 PMIt goes in the between the <Body> </Body> tags.
After looking at your site, I would suggest putting it right below your sitemeter. There is no image or anything so there won't be anything displayed in your sidebar; it will just add your visitor stats to the group totals.
If you need any more assistance, drop me an e-mail.
Posted by: Madfish Willie at March 27, 2004 12:24 AMcount me in - I think
Posted by: Stephen Macklin at March 27, 2004 01:08 AM