April 04, 2004

Now On To Stage, Um, Three?

The next stage in our tireless quest for World Domination* here at MuNu is - and this is a really brilliant and sneaky idea:

A Mu.Nu website!
Yes, you can go to http://mu.nu/ now but it's really not worth your time.

Trust me. Oh, you clicked on it? I was right, wasn't I?

Anyway, as well as upgrading the forums and welcoming new blogs and doing a little houskeeping over at Ambient Irony and (where's my list?) oh yes, setting up the MuNu General Store, I will be creating a central MuNu portal site, probably using MX System.

Each day on this portal I'd like to post some of the best of your blog entries. Actually, what I'll probably be doing is posting short excepts with a link back to your blog for people to read the whole article. Once things are up and running, I'll have a link available for you to submit things that you'd like to appear there. Think of it as a sort of everyday Carnival** of the Vanities.

No one is obliged to submit anything, of course. But if you've written something that you think is good, this will be the place to get it some wider attention.

Munuviana will continue as our meeting place; the new site is intended as our collective public site.

One other thing: Once it's up and running and (hopefully) has a few readers, I'll be running ads. Probably Blogads. Only there, and nowhere else; though you are all free to run ads on your individual blogs if you like. (Just try not to turn into The Netflix Marketing Board.) If a reasonable percentage of the overall readers of MuNu come to the main site, those ads will not only cover the cost of the server but free t-shirts for all the Munuvians too! And since the revenue will scale with readership, we'll be able to move to a bigger faster server if it should become necessary. (Right now, we're doing fine, except that MT is always a bit slow. We're now using twice as much bandwidth as at the start of the year, but we still have room to grow fivefold before it starts to become a worry.)

I'll post more details here as things progress. I expect to have it up and running within the next two weeks... Since I have most of the next two weeks off. :)

* Black leather outfits optional.
** Not Bonfire.

Posted by Pixy Misa at April 4, 2004 05:29 AM


Posted by Jim at April 4, 2004 06:03 AM

Wooo Hooo!!!... er....
um... I'll get the hang of this sooner or later....

Posted by Tim from Backstage at April 4, 2004 08:18 AM

Cool Beans!

Posted by Madfish Willie at April 4, 2004 09:08 AM


I swoon for the wonderous powers of Pixy! (Think of me as Pinky to his Brain.)

"What are we going to do today, Pixy?"
"Same thing we do every day, Emma. TAKE OVER THE WORLD."

Rowr. Shexay. ;o)

Posted by Emma at April 4, 2004 10:32 AM

Did someone say free t-shirt? Yay!!!!

Great idea Pixy. Distract the public with a "public" site while world domination plans continue here.....bhuwhahahhaa

Posted by Simon at April 4, 2004 02:56 PM

Free t-shirts and world domination. Sounds good to me! lol

Posted by M 0.o kie at April 4, 2004 06:50 PM
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