For Your Information Fear Your Future is now open and blogging has started.
Just thought I should announce that somewhere so that people will actually know. And if you don't know, FYF is group blog authored by people ages 15-18ish. And it doesn't really have a theme, its just the random musings of *counts on fingers* 5... no wait, 6... no wait, I lied, 7 (if you count the moderator) people. Hope you'll stop by and leave some comments. If not about the actually subject being discussed you should leave a comment congratulating me on the template (I slaved on that thing). *Grins*
Okay, I'm done being a link/hit-whore. He he.
Posted by Mookie at April 11, 2004 04:28 AMYou need to put up the rest of the bios.
Including one for Ted
I'm trying. It seems like I'm having to badger them for a couple hours before they can get around to it.
Posted by M 0.o kie at April 11, 2004 03:29 PMBadgers?... We don't need no stinkin badgers!
Posted by Madfish Willie at April 11, 2004 04:06 PMScarface
Tony Montoya (Al Pacino): [The actual line was] "Badges, we don't need no stinking badges"
Ask Rocket Ted, he'll 'splain it to you.
Posted by Madfish Willie at April 12, 2004 03:13 AMThe line goes back further than "Scarface" (1982), Madfish! It was also in "Blazing Saddles",(1973), but even then was lifted from an even earlier film; "Treasure of the Sierra Madre" (1948).
Posted by Tuning Spork at April 13, 2004 12:50 AM