April 30, 2004

Nobody Saw That, Right?


All of you were either busy at work or home asleep and so failed to notice that a nasty BGP hiccup took both of Liquidweb's* Class B's off the net entirely** for about three hours... Yesno?


And since they offer a 99.9% uptime SLA with a 100:1 penalty clause, I expect that my bill will be rather smaller than usual this month. In fact, that should just about pay for the t-shirts.

* MuNu's hosting provider.
** Unless, it seems, you were plugged directly into the Verio backbone - which I, for one, am not.

Posted by Pixy Misa at April 30, 2004 09:57 AM

I heard about it second hand. Helen is the one who was truly traumatized to find Munu had gone missing. It was back up by the time I got on today.

Posted by Jim at April 30, 2004 10:58 AM

What's BGP?

Posted by Ted at April 30, 2004 12:02 PM

It's beta-galactose-6-phosphate.

Posted by Jim at April 30, 2004 12:34 PM

Border Gateway Protocol ... aka the hot potato effect.

or maybe it's "Bloody Great Pigeon" ... aka the way information gets around the net

or it could be "Bill Gate's Pajama Party" aka I'm gonna go away now

Posted by Rob at April 30, 2004 02:22 PM

I was wondering why I couldn't access my own blog. I've gotta stop staying up so late.

Posted by CD at April 30, 2004 07:04 PM
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