I have a new skin up over at the MadLab. It's called Green Spots.
It's a pretty mild design with light shades of green on background of multicolored "spots". There are several colored "spots" in the background. By grabbing one of those colors and changing the color scheme, you could modify the design color to your preferences.
I just formatted the front page. If anyone wants to grab it, let me know and I'll tweak it to where everything is consistent throughout the entire site. If not, I'll just add it to my growing list of Madfish Willie skins.
As usual, browsing in Mozilla will give you the full Green Spots experience!
Posted by Madfish Willie at June 3, 2004 12:00 AMDefinately a chick skin. A bit too pastel fer me...
I like it!
Unfortunately, I'm all bogged down in STUPID STUPID COMMENT LISTING CODE to enjoy it.
Posted by Emma at June 3, 2004 04:04 AMYou can always change the color scheme and/or background image to suite your own particular taste and design style. The main objective was to get the element placement, paddings, margins, borders, etc in place for a skin. I wouldn't particularly use this color scheme myself, but that's the whole point of CSS... easy to change design elements.
PS Hasn't been tested in IE yet... so it prolly looks like hell over there.
Posted by Madfish Willie at June 3, 2004 07:27 AMYeah. Come t'think of it; it might actually look evil in black and red!
Posted by Tuning Spork at June 4, 2004 04:15 AMSporK: Check it out... black and red... you're right... it looks tough.
Posted by Madfish Willie at June 4, 2004 06:51 AM