July 01, 2004

I'm here...sort of

Let the trumpets ring, Rusty Shackleford has joined the ranks of the great and has made the mu.nu move!!!! Sort of. Thanks to all who helped make the move possible and to Pixy for getting things set up.

Unfortunately Blogger has made a few changes since the IMPORTING YOUR ENTRIES manual was written. This means complete 'tards like me are having a difficult time making the ol' switcheroonie.

1) The dark forces over at that unnamed wholly owned subsidiary of Google no longer specify the path to your Blog Filename, so I'm not sure how to save that for later importation into MT. Also, what should said file be saved as? (text?)

2) To where should I FTP said file once I have it saved? Is there a way to create subdirectories myself? Is there some administrative access that I'm not sure how to get at?

I appreciate any help y'all can give.

Posted by Rusty at July 1, 2004 10:17 PM

Mr Rusty:

First... Welcome to MuNu!! Yay!!1!

I did a search on the MT Support Forum and came up with this thread. Following the regular MT instructions and use this new format. Also, it seems you MUST delete the <br> tags after exporting, and convert the single digit date formats into double digits... should be simple using search & replace. From there, I believe Pixy has to set something on the server so you can import your files into the proper folder.

Second... In the sidebar, there are several posts under Helpful Thingies that should answer a lot of questions. Remember... there are no stupid questions... just stupid people who ask questions.

PS What is your URL? I'll add it to our different MuNu blogroll scripts as soon as I know what it is.

Posted by Madfish Willie at July 2, 2004 12:44 AM

D'oh! I already have you listed... my bad.

Posted by Madfish Willie at July 2, 2004 12:52 AM

Thanks for the help!

I'm not having a problem with the dates, that's taken care of already. What I'm not sure of is this:

In the instructions for moving to MT from Blogger this appears:

"Switch back to the Posts screen, and Publish your weblog. You will end up with a single file with all of your posts, formatted using the above template, at the location specified in your Settings. Download this file to your local hard drive."

I'm not sure what file it is I'm supposed to be downloading to my hard drive. Do I just open my old blog up in Explorer/Netscape and then save the webpage as a file?

The next problem is this: "Connect to your FTP server; then open the directory where you installed Movable Type." I assume the FTP server is mu.nu, and that this refers to going to the Main MT page when we login. I ASSUME.

"Create a new directory called import, then open that directory." How do I do this?

"Upload the file containing all of your entries into the import directory." This, I think I can handle. Just not sure where to upload the file to, and, as mentioned above, what the file should be and in what format it should be saved in.

Anyone have any idears?

Posted by Rusty Shackleford at July 2, 2004 04:20 PM

The file you download should be a txt file, if I remember correctly.

After that, contact Pixy, he has to set soemthing up on the server so your posts are imported into your new site and not someone else's site. He'll give you instructions on how to proceed when he get's it set up.

Posted by Madfish Willie at July 2, 2004 05:45 PM

Rusty: might answer some of your questions.

Posted by Madfish Willie at July 2, 2004 05:48 PM

My last comment got all fraqshizzled...
Go here for more answers

Posted by Madfish Willie at July 3, 2004 01:24 AM
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