i couldn't post a comment to Munuviana because i got this message:
Your comment submission failed for the following reasons:What gives?Your comment could not be submitted due to questionable content: .online.com
Please correct the error in the form below, then press Post to post your comment.
Also, i just converted to Firefox and i noticed that there's a bug in Mozilla for the html non-breaking space code [& nbsp ;]. sometimes it works and sometimes it doesn't. Does anyone know an alternative code, because i just love using the non-breaking space code.
Oh, and GO MU.NU!
Posted by annika at December 4, 2004 12:57 AM. online . com is indeed banned. Um, is that bad?
And with nbsp, the problem is actually with Internet Explorer (surprise!) & nbsp ; is correct and will work everywhere, but if you leave out the semicolon it's wrong and will only work in Internet Explorer.
Posted by Pixy Misa at December 4, 2004 02:39 AM