December 05, 2004

Movable Type question

And yes, it's a simple one. I muddle through whenever I change my Style Sheet. This time is no exception. Somehow, I've set my banner font color to the same as the background: #FFFFFF. I can't seem to figure out which font color or other color to change to make my banner title show up. The sub-header displays just fine, but Physics Geek isn't visible. It does show up when you highlight the text at the top.

I've finally made most of the changes I wanted and I didn't want to really mess up the style sheet by altering the wrong color. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks.

Posted by Physics Geek at December 5, 2004 01:50 PM

Never mind. I eventually figured it out.

There's a good reason I don't change my site's look on a regular basis. :-/

Posted by physics geek at December 5, 2004 07:00 PM
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