December 09, 2004

I Need Your Help

I'm trying to get people to believe again. I want peope to have hope and faith in Santa. So if you could help raise the roof on this, I'd appreciate it. I'm not trying to idly plug my site, I just know that a lot of people are down this year about the holidays.

My entry is this:

I have a cute graphic I hope people can add to their sites, only I am crap at creating a code and listing it on my site so that other people can just copy and paste into their sidebar, so if anyone can help there too, that would be appreciated.

And if you can help and help me create a code the people can just cut and paste based on this picture, then just leave it in the comments, as I can't access my email today. It would be great it the picture, when clicked, would link to my blog post about trying to believe in Santa, but if it can't it's no biggie. I just want to bring Santa back, that's all.




Posted by Everydaystranger at December 9, 2004 09:15 AM
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