Hi gang.
I'm looking for a few volunteers to help get the Munu ball rolling again, setting up new blogs and all that stuff. I'm just finishing the setup so that other people will be able to create new sites and new blogs and import entries and stuff like that, and once it's done (which should be this week) we'll be all systems go.
You'll need some basic technical knowledge and aptitude, but it's all done through a web interface and there's nothing really hard. (At least, once I finish this one last script.)
Queue forms to the right. :)
Posted by Pixy Misa at March 15, 2005 12:11 AMwhat's my password?
Johnny got dem dere inner-net agin.
And the only thing Karl Malone know about some innernet, is gettin the ball, in 'er net.
Thanks guys. I'll email you with all the information. Try not to let your new super-powers go to your heads.
Hmmm... we get superpowers?? Maybe this isn't such a good idea after all.
'Cause if I end up like Spiderman, with cool powers but never getting the girl? That would seriously suck.
Oh wait... I never get the girl anyway. Bring on the Powers!
Posted by Light & Dark at March 16, 2005 03:44 AM