March 16, 2005


Might possibly come back, but as he claimed "cuz i forgot my password, mofo". So on his behalf (and its hilarious when he bugs my dad for my #), Pixy, can you send him his password? ^^

Posted by Mookie at March 16, 2005 12:59 AM

Or at least the address to the login screen...sadly enough i bet I could guess my password...

So is there a 5 in your phone number?

Posted by Collins at March 16, 2005 01:01 AM

nope. No 5 in the number. And the login screen is at

Posted by Mookie at March 16, 2005 01:10 AM

Uh oh Ted! We're down to 9^10 possible combinations!

Posted by Collins at March 16, 2005 01:23 AM

yeah so about that username/password...

This is why you shouldn't smoke pot kids.

Posted by Collins at March 16, 2005 01:26 AM

Actually, since theres 10 digits in the phone number, and you could probably guess the area code if you looked in the phone book and that takes it down to 7 digits to guess. And if you remove anyliklyhood of there being a 5 that means that theres only 8 digits that can go in each of the spots, so its actually 2097152 phone numbers to try. But I'm pretty sure theres also certain number codes (like 911, 811, 411, any 3-digit start code with 0) so that means its less.

Posted by Mookie at March 16, 2005 01:34 AM

well since there's 10 digits (0-9) taking the 5 out narrowed it down to 9

So what's your area code sweety:)

Posted by Collins at March 16, 2005 01:51 AM

Password sent.

Welcome home!

Posted by Pixy Misa at March 16, 2005 03:00 AM
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