I'm being deluged with trackback spam. The IP Deny Manager doesn' t block it (IP: Is there anything I can do besides delete them one by one?
Posted by David Boxenhorn at March 30, 2005 03:14 PMI'd guess delete them individually...IF you can find where they're tracked back to.
I cannot locate some of my trackback spam....
Posted by Mad Mikey at March 30, 2005 04:33 PMThe email notice tells you which post it is.
Posted by David Boxenhorn at March 30, 2005 04:48 PMWould it be possible to assign very large random numbers as trackback ids? I think that should reduce trackback spam.
Posted by David Boxenhorn at March 30, 2005 06:04 PMYou can despam one of them using MT Blacklist, then use Blacklist again to zap all the rest automatically, using the De-Spam button. (You have to change it from searching for comments to trackbakcs.)
Or I could do my daily-ish sweep and clear them all out.
Thanks. The attack seems to have abated (for now) I closed trackbacks on every post that was hit, so that might help. But I'll remember Blacklist for next time - it didn't occur to me that it handled trackbacks, d'oh!
Posted by David Boxenhorn at March 30, 2005 11:37 PM