The great and mighty Pixy Misa has set me up with the tools necessary to help get new Munuvians started up. I've gone through the Ellis Island queue line to enlist the help of each immigrant's sponsor in verifying that they still want to be Munuvians (some of the nominations are pretty old) and in getting the basic info needed to set up the new blogs.
I encourage all Munuvians to keep an eye on Ellis Island. If there are no negative votes after a week (or so) the nominee will become a Munu as soon as Pixy puts in his "Yay". If you've got a concern over a prospective neighbor you need to speak up. Likewise, if you approve of a nominee blog your vote of support is Ellis Island is our vetting process and it will only work well with participation from the Mucommunity.
I'd also encourage all Munuvians to nominate worthy blogs. We need to attract the cream of the crop* in order to finish taking over the world. When you do nominate somebody please get a few bits of basic info and include it in the nomination post.
* Okay, what the hell does this saying actually mean? What sort of "crop" gives cream? Are we harvesting cows here? I should probably ask Jen.
Posted by Jim at March 31, 2005 03:10 PMUm, not to come over too benevolent-dictator-for-life-ish here, but could you wait for a confirming "yay" from me before Munuviating people? I don't have so many worries about fragmenting the Munu community these days, as I think it's pretty solid, but...
Do feel free to poke me with a stick if I don't show up and give my blessings though.
I have cleverly edited the post to reflect deference to your majestic dictatorosity.
Posted by Jim at March 31, 2005 09:41 PMWe have three more Munuveteers on the way as well, so as soon as I finish my radioactive spider breeding program setting them up, we'll really be able to cut loose.
Oh, and on the multi-person blog subject: It's not a rigid rule. If a blog has two people now, and may be adding another one but they don't know yet, no sweat. And if anyone here wants to add another user, again, no problem.
Well, the only possible problem is with name collisions. We won't be seeing Susie287 any time soon, but we already have a couple of different Pauls and Lindas. Uh... None of them being super-rich British rock stars, as far as I know.
Posted by Pixy Misa at April 1, 2005 12:20 AM"Um, not to come over too benevolent-dictator-for-life-ish here"
It's ok Pixy.
Strong men turn me on.
Posted by Helen at April 4, 2005 02:13 PM"Firstly, check with the person and make sure that they want to move their blog to Munuviana. Do this before nominating them."
D'oh! I missed this post before making a nomination the other day. The rule used to be that we would consider them BEFORE contacting them so's nobody got their feelings hurt if they were rejected. I still think that's a sound policy. And getting contacted out of the blue to be asked to join might give the warm fuzzies.