A while back, I floated the idea of a weekly or fortnightly or somethingly Carnival of the Munuvians, highlighting the best munu has to offer. A number of people sent entries to me, and I sort of sat on them...
Well, I still think it's a good idea, so I'm going to give it another go, only this time with extra anchovies! I've set up a new blog: Carnival of the Munuvians. (I realise that it doesn't look very festive, but that will change.) And I'm setting up software to feed posts from the Carnival blog straight onto the front page of mu.nu. You can see the software at work with Automated Ambience, which is a mirror of my blog as a phpBB forum.
What I'm looking for is a team of editors to manage the Carnival. There will be two types of entries: Features, which feature a single outstanding post and can be entered at any time, and the Carnival itself, which will appear on a semi-regular schedule.
All you will need to do is enter posts in the blog; all the copying and stuff will happen automagically. Let me know if you're interested!
Posted by Pixy Misa at April 14, 2005 03:07 AMI still love the idea! I might even produce a post once a month that'll be worthy of submitting!
Right! Managing editor: Spork.
Who's on the city desk?
Posted by Pixy Misa at April 14, 2005 03:51 AMA carnival sounds like a great idea. I'd participate, at least sometimes.
Posted by Eric at April 16, 2005 04:46 PMLet me know what I need to do for management (heh..anyone else watch carnivalè?) sake and I'll be happy to assist an any way you need me.
Let me know what you're looking for in a template style as well and give me a week or so. (Complete freebie. You're hosting and I sort of feel like I owe you something. I just want to thank you for getting me off of blogger. Oblige me. (Unless you really want to design it on your own.)
Posted by Jeremy at April 17, 2005 04:55 AM