May 20, 2005

Jes' sayin', ya know (for the nth time, maybe?)*

I think the blacklist is maxed out.

*Referring to my use of that particular title, not the problem.

Posted by Tiger at May 20, 2005 02:21 AM

I've done a fairly heavy cleanup in the Blacklist of everything through to the end of the 'Q's, and cherry-picked the obvious redundancies from the rest of the list.

Should give us a bit of breathing room, although I only cleared about 200 spots.

I'll go through the rest of list on the weekend, unless somebody posts here that they've hit it sooner.


Posted by Light & Dark at May 20, 2005 05:54 AM

I've been doing the same.

This isn't a problem with MT Blacklist 2 (which works with MT 3); it only happens because the original Blacklist stores all the entries in one big lump.

I think there's a fix available; I'll look into it.

Posted by Pixy Misa at May 20, 2005 07:17 AM

Only thing is, I've patched Blacklist a bit, with a custom crapflood detector and the pong deflector. I'll need to reapply those.

Hmm. I've updated to the latest version, but I don't know it that will fix the problem. Let me try something...

Posted by Pixy Misa at May 20, 2005 07:38 AM

The pong deflector is back in place. :)

Posted by Pixy Misa at May 20, 2005 07:45 AM

Aha. I've found a solution for the problem, so now we should be able to grow the list to around, hmm, 64,000 entries. Of course, that will be abominably slow, but hey...

Posted by Pixy Misa at May 20, 2005 08:20 AM

What's the soluition to the size issue Pixy? I know several others who are having the same problems.


Posted by Light & Dark at May 20, 2005 10:45 PM

Add a line like this to the mysql config file:

set-variable = max_allowed_packet=16M

By default it's 1M. That's the maximum size of a SQL statement.

Posted by Pixy Misa at May 21, 2005 02:23 AM
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