June 23, 2005

Carnival of Mu[Nu]sic

Fellow Munuvians, I have kicked off another link-whoring extravaganza carnival, a Carnival of Music, which has gotten some good traffic in its first three iterations (including two Instalanches! Yay!)

The Carnival is going on the road this week, to fellow Munuvian Owlish. Let's help him extend MuNu's world domination by making this a large and successful Carnival. Please send your submissions about anything musical here.

Our own Llamabutchers will also be hosting the Carnival at a yet-to-be-specified date in July, so check back at the archive page periodically to follow the Carnival's progress through the 'sphere. If you would like to host, please send an email to the submission address and indicate the date you're interested in.


Posted by JohnL at June 23, 2005 04:44 PM

What a great idea!

Posted by Sissy at June 23, 2005 11:23 PM
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