I'm not sure if many others are having this problem, since most MuNus are on 2.6, unlike myself. I'm getting emails each day from irritated would-be commentors that I've supposedly blocked them for 'questionable content.' Even most times when I want to comment on my own blog, I have to simply type 'hello' and add my comment through my MT interface. Is there any way to clean out some of the blacklist entries, or is this impermissible?
Another question - if this is just an unsolvable problem, can I add a comment script onto my blog, or will that totally screw the MuNus up....as far as a spam attack. I don't hear many complaints from bloggers who use Haloscan and the like (concerning spam, that is).
I'm about to just shut my comments off out of frustration....I know that in the grand scheme of life, it's not such a big deal. Yet this mystifies me, and it makes me want to either shut off comments or figure out how to fix it;-)
Posted by Sadie at July 11, 2005 07:23 AM | TrackBackYes. Everyone has access to the Blacklist, and you can remove words like 'hello' if they get in there. In fact, if anyone notices something like that, please go right ahead and zap it.
I think that the spammers have started adding things to deliberately poison MT Blacklist this way.
Posted by Pixy Misa at July 11, 2005 07:41 AMPixy... since Sadie's running MT 3.1, isn't she running off a different blacklist? Or has the 3.1 blacklist been ported to the same one the rest of use?
Sadie... the comment refusal should say what the content was that was refused? If so, post that here & we can look for what's causing it. It's often a problem that a short text snippet has been accidentally added and is catching almost everything. For example, I've fixed Blacklists that had 'it' and 'http' entered in them by mistake.
Posted by Light & Dark at July 11, 2005 08:03 AMUh... Yeah. And there's only a handful of us on 3.1. Hmmm.
Posted by Pixy Misa at July 11, 2005 08:17 AMThat's what I spotted too, Pixy... I think we both deleted it! Should we pull the other entries that have ellipses in them too? I can't imagine them doing much good, with the possibiity of them getting in the way?
Posted by Light & Dark at July 11, 2005 08:42 AMOhhhhh. Okay, ahem, two of us inadverently blocked "..."
Spammers SUCK!
Posted by sadie at July 11, 2005 08:44 AMPaul - Yeah, zap 'em.
Sadie - don't know if it was you. There are at least four other people you can point the finger at.
Oh, and thank you SO much for being so helpful and empathetic in our 'crisis.' Heh.
Posted by sadie at July 11, 2005 08:49 AMThe one I zapped was put in by Pixy on the 5th of June - probably during the last spam-storm when he was too swamped to inspect each individual entry.
The one that took down comments on Saturday morning had an unclosed ][ which Blacklist saw as a broken regexp and promptly fainted, taking the comments cgi with it. I'm going to see if Blacklist 2 has the same weakness, in which case I'll mention it to Jay Allen.
These fuckers are getting even more devious.
Posted by Light & Dark at July 11, 2005 08:54 AMTilesy, I've got a "how to" on safely using the Blacklist on the go right now. Just got swamped with a whack of tech-support calls, so it may be a day or so 'til I can finish & post it, but watch this space for the tutorial.
Posted by Light & Dark at July 12, 2005 10:04 AMWhen I tried to post a comment at Ambient Irony all it said was "questionable content"--it didn't tell me what word or words were causing the problem. I ended up emailing the comment (and it bounced! that comment was doomed!)
Posted by Susie at July 12, 2005 04:26 PM