I want stuff.
And I want some stuff for my blog too.
For starters, I'd like to know how some people get those randomized phrases to appear at the very top of their browsers (where it says "blah blah blah - Mozilla Firefox/IE/etc.).
I think that's neat.
Secondbrucelee, I'd like to know how I can make an image randomize. In the lower left hand corner of my b-l-o-g you will find a happenin' pizlace called the "Kuffar Korner." I currently have an image there----but I actually have 4 or 5 images that I would like to randomly appear in that locale whenever my homeizzle is refreshed.
Can you dig it?
I know, I just KNOW I had another pregunta para mis Munuvianos, pero no recuerdo.. ¡maldito sea!
UPDATE!: Now I remember the last question!
So you know how MT has that whole "Extended entry" deal goin'on for when you have long posts, right?
Well I don't like the way it works.
I've seen cats (I believe fellow Munuvians, too) whose extended entries function like this:
--1) Rather than loading the permalinkified archived post in its entirety in a new window (or the same one, whatever), it merely expands the post right then and there. You can click "continue the post...." and "hide this post!" all you want until the cows come home and it doesnt take you away from the main blog page.
--2) Instead of having it say "Continue reading (Name of Post)...", I've seen it where you can customize what it says.
¡Gracias para todo su ayuda, amigos! (Thanks for all your help, buuuudiiieees!)
(both said with a thick Pauley Shore accent)
Instructions for the show/hide extended entry are here:
As for the other requests...I have no clue
You can adapt this:
to do what you want to do. Also, check out Madfish Willie's original post over on the sidebar, under Thingies and Doodads.
Posted by Ted at July 13, 2005 12:50 AM