August 27, 2005

H, H, and H

Hello! I am so excited to be a Munuvian. It is like sitting at the cool table!!!

Help! Has anyone ever imported entries from Blog City into Movable Type? From what I can tell, I can do a find and replace from a backup xml file that I get from Blog City.

Hints! Anyone have any other tips on importing? Any hints would be appreciated!!!

Posted by ProcheinAmy at August 27, 2005 03:43 AM | TrackBack


Don't know anything about Blog City, but there should be instructions somewhere on the admin part to tell you how to export posts... on this end, Pixy has to set up a switch or two, then you can import after his confirmation e-mail (anyone correct me if I'm wrong)...

Posted by Madfish Willie at August 27, 2005 06:42 AM


Jen also came from Blog City, and I never quite got the import to work.

However, I know a lot more about XML and Movable Type import formats now than I did then (mostly due to painful experience), so I can probably hack something together. Or maybe someone has already written a converter program.

Posted by Pixy Misa at August 27, 2005 01:53 PM

Don't put to much work into it, I think I can do it semi-manually... Just wanted to know if anyone had anything already done...

Posted by Amy at August 27, 2005 04:23 PM

Madfish Willie, you're wrong! ;)

I finally did away with the need for me to fiddle, and importing now Just Works!™

Posted by Pixy Misa at August 28, 2005 08:30 AM
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