October 11, 2005

Problems on "Ellis Island"

The comments function seems to be going kerflooey. It only creates a "blank" form and after you leave a new comment, it doesn't show up despite the number indicator changing. Haloscan problems maybe?

Posted by Gary at October 11, 2005 01:58 PM | TrackBack

Well, we don't use Haloscan, so that's probably not it. I'll have a look - in the morning, after I get my monthly sleep.

Posted by Pixy Misa at October 11, 2005 02:18 PM

Thanks! I keep forgetting about the time zone difference.

Posted by Gary at October 11, 2005 03:01 PM

It's Sauron, I tell you.

Posted by Eric at October 11, 2005 11:39 PM

If it's Sauron, he's not doing much of a job. It seems to be working fine right now.

Now, it *could* be that we were getting a spam flood right then and comments got switched off at a bad moment. They get switched on again after a minute, so the best thing to do is wait for a little while and try again.

When we get spammed, we can get up to 200 comments and the same time, and that kills the server pretty thoroughly, so I've set up a system that catches that and shuts off commenting. It's not perfect, because the spammers can send as many as 30 comments a second just to munu, but it's a lot better than nothing.

Posted by Pixy Misa at October 12, 2005 08:19 AM

.. definitely looking broken on all Mu.nu sites now, bro...

Posted by Eric_SWG at October 12, 2005 07:04 PM

Comment comment?

Posted by Pixy Misa at October 13, 2005 12:10 AM
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