Is your little corner of Munuvia unexpectedly blowy-uppy following the move? Something doesn't seem to have come across quite right - or at all?
Leave a comment here.
As far as I know, all the blog stuff should be working. There are some problems still with the Munu portal which I need to sort out, and some of the automatic background thingies aren't running yet. Oh, and trackbacks are turned off; I'll turn those back on shortly.
Anything else, give me a yell, and I will poke at it with my Stick of Poking +1, +3 against databases.
Posted by Pixy Misa at November 12, 2005 08:05 PM | TrackBackDarlin', I just left ya a message under "COWS!!"
Anything else, give me a yell, and I will poke at it with my Stick of Poking...
Laughing my ass off at that... "my Stick of Poking.."
Too cute, Dude....
Still gigglin',
doesn't look like Daylight Savings Time has ended in the Mu Nu world. I'm set for U.S. Eastern Standard Time (which is about 3:30pm right now) and posts are time stamped an hour ahead.
Posted by Gary at November 12, 2005 09:31 PMMT3 problem with rebuilding:
Build error in template 'Main Index': Error in tag: Build error in template 'Sidebar': Error in tag: No such category 'BlogRoll'
This is referring to little bit of code in the sidebar template that reads:
<MTEntries category="BlogRoll" sort_by="title" sort_order="ascend">
<li><a href="<$MTEntryMore convert_breaks="0"$>" title="<$MTEntryTitle$>" rel="<$MTEntryKeywords$>"><$MTEntryTitle$></a></li>
The BlogRoll category still exists and has posts in it. Maybe this is one of the extensions for MT3. I will try and read up on it but any other suggestions are welcome...
Found it. Must be a change in MT - the category is now case sensitive. The code used 'BlogRoll' and the category was 'Blogroll'. Changed code and that is now working again.....
Posted by Ozguru at November 12, 2005 10:09 PMI can't upload pictures. Some weird error.
An error occurred:
Error writing upload to '/home/tiffany/www/archives/bodie.JPG': Opening local file '/home/tiffany/www/archives/bodie.JPG' failed: Permission denied
Posted by Tiffany at November 12, 2005 11:28 PMErm... I can't post anything. I went through the whole process and got to "SAVE". The screen says "rebuilding entry..." followed by
An error occurred:
mkdir /pixy: Permission denied at lib/MT/FileMgr/ line 104
This happened in both IE and Mozilla, though the line # is different. Wassupwitdat?
Ozguru - MT hasn't changed, but MySQL has, and it has caused a few problems. THat's likely what it is.
Posted by Pixy Misa at November 13, 2005 12:35 AMSpork - Whoops! I had to make some changes for the 30 founding Munuvians because they were set up differently initially and it no longer worked... And I forgot you. Fixed. Sorry!
Posted by Pixy Misa at November 13, 2005 12:39 AMTiffany - Odd. File uploads seem to work, so maybe I just bobbled your account somehow.
I've reset your permissions, so give it another try and let me know.
Posted by Pixy Misa at November 13, 2005 12:42 AMRe: Daylight saving.
Well, that sucks. The server is set to Sydney time, where of course daylight saving is still in effect, but it should be smart enough to sort that out.
I'll get it fixed, but for now just enjoy living in the future.
BTW, Pixy. Thanks for all the work you put in on this. Just wanted you to know it's appreciated!
Posted by Gary at November 13, 2005 12:46 AMYay! I don't even wanna know what you did but thanks! But make sure ye check the other 30 founding Munuvians -- like that sick rogue, Collins -- just in case they ever wanna return...
It seems that my banner no longer displays and my clock seems to be 17 hours ahead of my actual time zone). Everything else seems to be working. Should I rebuild my site?
Posted by Dave at November 13, 2005 04:16 AMMaybe I've hosed something up, which is highly likely, but my php scripts are running quite right.
There are a couple of scripts I'm calling, one for blogrolls, one for quotes and another for skinning.
They're all located in a scripts subdirectory and just don’t' respond.
Maybe I've broked it?
Should be are: not running quite right.
One day I'll learn to proof read.
Posted by phin at November 13, 2005 05:07 AMBlacklist appears to be gone. No entries show in the list, can't add new ones, can't despam. This error comes up when trying to add a record:
An error occurred:
not a reference at lib/MT/ line 27
Phin - I'll take a look.
Jim - Bugger. There's some dodgy code in MT Blacklist, and the new system doesn't like it. I'll dig in and fix it.
Posted by Pixy Misa at November 13, 2005 07:03 AMI'm not getting any errors from Blacklist, but it's certainly lost, well, everything. As I said, bugger.
I'll see what I can do.
Posted by Pixy Misa at November 13, 2005 07:23 AMAh, got the error. Better. Errors I can fix. Nothings are harder.
Posted by Pixy Misa at November 13, 2005 07:24 AMOkay, the blacklist - the data, not the program - got horribly corrupted somehow. I've reset it, and now I need to go and get a copy of our old blacklist before we get flooded with spam.
But it is working now.
Okay, Blacklist is back! I also managed to knock about 1500 redundant entries out of the list. It's still absurdly huge, though.
Posted by Pixy Misa at November 13, 2005 08:29 AMPhin, check to see if your PHP scripts are working now.
Posted by Pixy Misa at November 13, 2005 09:15 AMDave - I'm not sure what the story is with your banner; in fact I can't see how it worked originally.
Try a rebuild, and maybe ask Phin to take a look when he has a chance. Let me know how things go. There's certainly ways to make the banner work, but I don't want to change things if there's a simple way to fix it.
Posted by Pixy Misa at November 13, 2005 09:27 AMOh, and Phin - the security settings on the new server are very fussy about PHP and CGI files. If something doesn't work, try turning off write permission for that file. (I think you can do that through the file manager in CPanel.)
If you continue to see problems, give me a yell. I had to do a lot of tweaking to get all the applications working on the new server, and it's probably something similar.
Posted by Pixy Misa at November 13, 2005 09:29 AMHave the trackbacks been turned back on?
Posted by Sacramento Republicrat at November 15, 2005 09:39 PMPhut - Lemurgirl (not part of the standard MuNu install) is having dead blog issues. I'm getting problems with any and all of the MT CGI files... a host of 500 error codes and a fistful of frustration.
Pixy - you hacked the DB drivers right? Was that at Perl level or at MT level?
Other than that any chance of getting Ms Lemur in to the main MuNu fold?
Posted by Rob at November 22, 2005 04:33 PMPixy - you hacked the DB drivers right? Was that at Perl level or at MT level?
Well, I had to dig down in the MT code and find the database connect statement and replace it.
Sorry, I'll get Lemurgirl fixed up the same way.
Posted by Pixy Misa at November 23, 2005 09:26 AMon behalf of my dear and dotty little sister may I be the first to say - Fankoo!!!
Posted by Rob at November 23, 2005 09:57 AMYes, what he said!
I'm no good with technology me...
Posted by Lemurgirl at November 23, 2005 10:10 AMNo worries!
I've fixed the database connection thingy... And it still doesn't work.
Blah. Poke poke poke... Aha!
I think it's working! I just left you a comment, so take a look and see if the rest of it is happy.
As is often the way of these things, this may have given me some insight into why some of our PHP scripts have gone awry.
Posted by Pixy Misa at November 23, 2005 10:37 AM