I read a comment over at Ace's from LauraW... she mentioned that it would 'more organic' for a host such as Pixy to sell ads via the MuNu blogger group... That got me to thinking... I would certainly not mind putting up ads over at Madfish Willie's and let the proceeds go to Pixy to help offset hosting costs such as server space, bandwidth, and his labor efforts... I know that some of you already have some sort of blog ads posted, but would the rest of us be willing to participate in some group thingy for Pixy (if he would even consider it)?
Just thinkin out loud is all....
Posted by Madfish Willie at November 17, 2005 07:34 PM | TrackBackI've got some ads, they're approaching $50 for the past year or so, not sure how you would funnel the money to Pixy but hey, it's not doing me any good for at least another year.
Could be that we'd just add an ad? sure, fine with me.
Posted by Oorgo at November 18, 2005 12:45 AMThe way I'm understanding OSM is they are taking an aggregate page view from their entire 'network' of blogs and then selling that to advertisers... If the total aggregate of MuNu blogs could be leveraged by adding BlogAds or GoogleAds or whatever (I haven't done ads myself so I know virtually nothing about them) maybe the revenue generated would offset the costs involved with hosting our sites. I know that it has been suggestged several times here about Pixy putting up a PayPal tip jar thingy.
I personally will help out anyway I can - be it helping some of the 'code-impaired' MuNuvians inserting whatever code into their templates or compsing a How To post for reference.
Like I said in the post, just thinking out loud... andI was hoping for some suggestions & feedback here in the comments.
Posted by Madfish Willie at November 18, 2005 01:01 AMThanks guys. I have some ideas along those lines too, and I'll see what I can work out.
No-one will be required to host ads on their blog. Your blog is yours. I'm putting together an integrated portal for the blogs and forums, and I'll be running ads there. (It's slightly broken right now following the move.)
I could make it so that individual munus could sign up for the ads as well, and then split the revenue based on traffic. So have a single point of sale for advertisers going to 20, 50, 200 or however many blogs.
Worth thinking about.
Posted by Pixy Misa at November 18, 2005 01:03 AMAnd actually we could all increase our 'hit' counts by inserting the sitemeter code into the comment templates (like Ace) and also insert the Ad code into the templates (like Ace). Hit counts would go up too if we removed the in-line drop down comment code and replaced it with the pop up window comment code.
Posted by Madfish Willie at November 18, 2005 01:04 AMAdvertisers get wise to tricks like that, sooner or later.
Posted by Pixy Misa at November 18, 2005 01:19 AMAlthough putting Sitemeter into your comments template only increases the page view count, not the visit count. If you look at the mu.nu sitemeter stats (which, um, you can't, because I marked them as private) you'd see that despite having only 180,000 visits, the page views are up in the millions.
Posted by Pixy Misa at November 18, 2005 01:30 AMIt always felt to me like that was some kind of 'run up the hit count' scam that Ace was running... He's not my Hero anymore!!!
Anyway, what DO the advertisers base their rates on? Click throughs, page views, site visits??
If you inserted Ad code into the comment templates, wouldn't that count as a separate 'impression'?
Posted by Madfish Willie at November 18, 2005 01:35 AMAnyway, what DO the advertisers base their rates on? Click throughs, page views, site visits?
Yeah, that sort of stuff.
If you inserted Ad code into the comment templates, wouldn't that count as a separate 'impression'?
Yep, but if they're counting visits or click-throughs it doesn't help you much.
Posted by Pixy Misa at November 18, 2005 03:29 AMI will gladly whore my blog out for Pixy, but only if he promises to keep any/all revenues that might result--my taxes are difficult enough without having to actually claim "income" in addition to wages!
It sounds okay to me, although my attempts at putting ads up at my place were for nothing....
Posted by Mad Mikey at November 18, 2005 08:45 PMI'm in.
Don't overcomplicate it. Just set up a MuNu adbar for GoogleAds and one for BlogAds and let whoever wants to put the code for whichever one into their sites.
Posted by Jim at November 19, 2005 05:46 PMThanks everyone!
I've sent an email off to the Blogads people, and I'll let you know what they say.
What I'll do - assuming they accept us - is set up an include file that anyone can put into their blog to show the ads. Showing the ads will be entirely voluntary, and the money will go towards server costs. If we make more than that, we'll blow it on beer and pizza.