1. When I save a post, it kicks me out to the login screen. So I log back in, and my post is there, saved as a draft, and I have to re-save it.
2. I can not, for the life of me, get a trackback through to anyone running a version of MT higher than ours.
Those two are pre-new server issues, btw.
3. My skin-switcher thingie that Phin installed is broken.
Thanks in advance for any help. And double thanks a million to Pixy for all his hard work. Really, man, you need a tip jar.
Okay, I figured out the outgoing t/b problem. For some reasons, the spam filters must not like Vince Aut Morire, because when I changed the name of my blog to the Vinnie Musings Pundit Report, the t/b went through to the blogs I'm having trouble with.
Posted by Vinnie at November 19, 2005 04:58 PM | TrackBackI can't ping any fellow munuvians, except Pixy--and he's running the newer MT....
Posted by Susie at November 19, 2005 05:06 PMNo pings out of pLog either... but then it's not displaying my link code correct on the page either... prolly a different problem altogether...
Posted by Madfish Willie at November 19, 2005 05:58 PMWorking on pings now.
There's a problem with skin switchers and some other PHP scripts, and Phin and I are looking into it.
Posted by Pixy Misa at November 20, 2005 05:22 AMI don't know if the ping fix will work for me, because I can't send a t/b through the standalone pingers, like Wizbangs, using Vince Aut Morire.
I blame it on Six Apart. Curse their black souls.
Posted by Vinnie at November 20, 2005 06:02 AMI don't know how much of it is 6A's fault, but the trackback system is in deep trouble. 99.8% of trackbacks are spam, which is why people are implementing ever-more oppressive filtering regimes.
My fix only works for incoming trackbacks. However, it does mean that you'll be able to ping other Munuvians all you like.
So I guess the solution is to invite anyone you want to ping to move to munu.
Or have you change my URL to joe.mu.nu.
or fred.mu.nu.
or iliketomoveitmoveityouliketomoveitmoveit.mu.nu
Um. sorry, that second is the result of watching "Madagascar" 80037 times since it came out Tuesday. Kids, ya know...
Hmmmm....Jesus.mu.nu is tempting, the Jehovah's Witnesses don't seem to have discovered comment and trackback spam yet.
But still, my most important concern is the wierdness surrounding me getting kicked out when I save a post. Funky, ain't it?
Posted by Vinnie at November 20, 2005 07:05 AMYeah, I haven't heard anyone else mention that, and there's over 200 of you guys using MT.
What address are you using to get to the login screen? There are about ninety ways to get to it, so maybe one of them has gone wobbly.
Posted by Pixy Misa at November 21, 2005 05:23 AMBy the way, I have trouble sending pings because, well, Ambient Irony. Sigh.
Posted by Pixy Misa at November 21, 2005 08:09 AMthat same thing happens to me on another site (not a munu) where I'm guest-blogging (the login screen thing) but I don't have to re-login. The back button works just fine. No clue as to why it happens there either
Posted by caltechgirl at November 21, 2005 06:26 PMI have not been able to send/receive a trackback for a while now, even using Whizbang, to another MuNu site.
I just figured that it was broke and stopped trying.
Posted by Contagion at November 22, 2005 12:07 AMIncoming trackbacks have pretty much locked up due to spam. We're getting about 40,000 spam trackbacks a day, and the system has got to the point where it's rejecting everything.
I'm trying to get the new system in place today, but it requires hacking on the Movable Type source, and while MT might be nice on the outside, on the inside it's a crawling horror.
Posted by Pixy Misa at November 22, 2005 02:36 AMOkay! We're getting awfully close now!
The program that collects the trackbacks and files them is done and tested.
The program that collates and filters the trackback file is done and tested.
The program that takes a single arbitrary trackback and posts it is done and tested. (Meep!)
I just have to get program number three to read from the file created by program number one, and it's done.
By the way, I'm on MT 3, and don't have the protection of Fluffy and her Killbots. I'm getting upwards of 50 spam trackbacks a day - even with MT Blacklist.
Posted by Pixy Misa at November 22, 2005 06:31 AMOh, and I now have program number three reading from the file created by program number two. Not one, but two. Two is good. One is bad.
Posted by Pixy Misa at November 22, 2005 06:32 AM