December 05, 2005

Attack On The Blacklist?

I've been getting hit with a bunch of comment spam the last couple of days. Some of them even got their notification past the hotmail junk filter. Oddly, the hrefs in them in them had no URLs. Untill just now. It's clearly from the same source (itsok wouldn't be there otherwise). Scarily, the URLS were for Techweb, Wired, and Bloglines. Careless deleting would blog worthy sites. I don't know if they were there to shield Allafrikuh (mispelt to disarm) or to do damage, but some discression must be exercised.

Posted by triticale at December 5, 2005 05:47 AM | TrackBack

Yep, poison pills. They've been doing that for a while now. Bastards.

Posted by Pixy Misa at December 5, 2005 02:45 PM
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