Well, my side bar seems to be upfucked. Half the text is being cut off by posts. I had this problem once before, butb I don't remember what the solution wwas. Anyone got any ideas????
Thanks a heap!
Posted by Old Cloots at December 15, 2005 12:26 AM | TrackBackMark:
As it so often the case in a site template, things are very interconnected, and one change can solve a problem, but create several others. I'm going to give you a specific edit to make to your blog, but first I'll try to explain what's happening. If you don't care to get in that deep, just skip to the end!
What's happening in your sidebar is that the <div> that creates the sidebar is being prematurely closed right after the first sidebar element. The rest of the items on the left side only look like they're in the right general area because text in html defaults to the left margin unless styled otherwise. Essentially, they're not even in the sidebar.
This explains why the sidebar text is so tight against the left border of your page, and runs across the page. Everything below the first image in the sidebar is actually unstyled text that is just trying to fill the page, starting from the left side.
Now, to fix it...
You need to go into your main index template, and find the section toward the bottom where you'll see this code:
<div id="links">
<div class="side"> <li><img
<div class="sidetitle">
<div class="side">
kotgd AT yahoo DOT com
<div class="side">
<a href=""></a><br />
<div align="center" class="calendar">
You need to delete the second </div> that occurs in that code.
Here's where the interconnected problems come in. I suspect that when you do that, you're going to find that your stylesheet is specifying too wide a column for your sidebar, given the rest of the dimensions of your blog. Rather than try to guess, or try to explain your options without you being able to see what I'm talking about, I'm going to suggest you make the above change, then we can look at the result, and I can help you decide if further adjustment is necessary.
If that's OK with you, just leave me a note here when you've made the edit to your index template.
By the way, you've got some seriously funky extraneous code in some weird places in your template. If you want to clean up the code that displays that first graphic in your sidebar, for example, the code that reads:
<div class="side"> <li><img
should actually read:
<div class="side"> <img
There's no reason for a single element to be in a list tag (that's where that weird dot beside the graphic is from; it's actually a bullet) and the <p> and <b> tags are unclosed, and don't serve any purpose anyway.
Ain't html a bitch?!
Posted by Light & Dark at December 15, 2005 04:30 AMCSS must die! Bring back tables!
(Thanks, Paul, great explanation.
Paul - Thanks!!!!!
I'm not sure what happened, it was fine the other day and I didn't screw wih anything. I'll have to make the corrections when I get a sec.
I appreciate it, especially being a non-techy!
Posted by Mark at December 15, 2005 12:46 PMPaul - Actually, I just did it - You're a genius. I'll do the rest later. Now I know where I screwed up I added the e-mail addy recently.
Rank amateurs, I tell ya!!
Posted by Mark at December 15, 2005 12:56 PM