December 22, 2005

Performancing for Firefox

Performancing for Firefox is here!
Of course you're probably wondering just what is Performancing for Firefox.

Well the good folks over at have written a blog editor for Firefox. So if you're using Firefox Version 1.5 or better, instead of writing your posts in Wordpress, Movable Type or Blogger you can use the Performacing Editor.

What makes this even better is you can setup your blog and post directly from the editor, like I did with this post. So you don't even have to log in to write or publish posts ever again.

To setup Performancing so it will automatically list your blogs you will need to walk through the following steps after you have installed the Plugin from the link above.

1) Press F8 key to open the Performancing editor.
2) Click the About Button.
3) Click the Launch Wizard Button.
4) Select your Blogging Platform from the list.
5) Change the Server API Folder to: - If you're running Movable Type 2.64 - If you're running Movable Type 3.15 - If you're running Wordpress (just be sure to replace the yourblog with your address).

6) Enter Your Username and Password.
7) Verify that the proper blogs have been pulled up and hit next!

From there you'll just select the blog you want to post too.

If you aren't running any other plugins / extensions for Firefox, I whole heartedly recommend you run Performancing for Firefox.

Posted by phin at December 22, 2005 05:29 AM | TrackBack

WOW! This is a very cool! Nice find!

Posted by Sacramento Republicrat at December 23, 2005 06:03 AM


BTW, do you know how I can get Firefox to load pages from the cache when I'm off line? It's pretty annoying when I'm off line and can't read a page that I want, when I know that it's already on my own hard disk in the cache!

Posted by David Boxenhorn at December 23, 2005 12:43 PM
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