Okay, peeps, I know I posted about this last week, but I just can't help but bring it up again. (Now that I have access to Munuviana, I'm going to take advantage of it.)
I cannot figure out what is going on with the trackbacks for my blog, Cardinal Martini. The trackback links don't work, except when they do.
See, for example: http://blog.mu.nu/cgi/mt-tb.cgi/143581
That is the TB link for this post: http://cardinalmartini.mu.nu/archives/149370.php
Strange thing is that if I ping that TB link from either my own blog or from Munuviana, then the pings go through and the trackback is listed. But when I ping that exact same TB link from either Haloscan or WizBang's standalone thingie, the pings fail. I also know from a couple of other people, one using Wordpress and the other using Blahgsplat/Haloscan that their trackback pings to my blog aren't working either.
I've checked the activity log, and I can't find anything about pings being rejected.
Does anyone know what's up with this situation, and how I can fix it?
Posted by Cardinal Martini at January 4, 2006 09:48 AM | TrackBackI'll take another look. Most likely it is a problem with our trackback filter, Snark!. I did test it with pings from Wordpress before, and it did work, so I'm a bit puzzled.
Ah. Well, that's one answer. The whole of Blogspot has got itself blacklisted.
I'll have to fix that.
Posted by Pixy Misa at January 4, 2006 09:53 PMThanks Pixy! You know how much I appreciate all your hard work.
Posted by Kipper at January 5, 2006 08:23 AMPixy, I think you'll need a whitelist. It'll probably happen with every blog host.
Posted by David Boxenhorn at January 9, 2006 07:41 PM