February 13, 2006

The Troll That Would Not Die

I have a troll that will not go away.

He's using proxies so he can't be banned.

I've set my close comments code to 1 day, and I just delete the ones he makes on the few open posts.

He thinks he's funny, making fun of my mother who has Alzheimer's Disease, with comments like this:

LOL the midnight foray with *my* gym teacher went real well, except eric's mom was there and we think she bumped her head too hard against the locker as Coach fucked her, cuz she can't remember it too well

It doesn't bother me that he's making fun of my mother, he's not saying anything that I haven't heard before in "Yo Mama" jokes.

But he is irritating.

So is there some other way to get rid of this turd that I don't know about?

Posted by Vinnie at February 13, 2006 12:31 AM | TrackBack


I'm really sorry to hear about your Mom. Here's wishing both you and her strength to deal with whatever is to come.

As far as your troll is concerned, it's pretty much impossible to block a determined human commenter. You're only real option is to social-engineer him.

The only reason he's doing it is because it garners him attention, and a reaction. Unfortunately, with 2 posts about him in a couple of days, you've already given him both, but I bet you can still get rid of him.

Rule #1 is to utterly ignore him - no posts, so snark in the comments, no reference to him at all. A brief email to your regular commenters to ignore him would also be in order. DON"T post such a request on your site - that just proves to him that he's disrupting you.

Rule #2 is to (continue to) delete his droppings. Don't rush to do it the minute he posts though; that also proves to him he's got your attention. Just go through once a day or so and nuke everything. (You can use MT Blacklist to do this quite quickly and painlessly. Leave a comment here if you want me to run through the fastest process real quick.)

If he proves true to type, he'll get even more ridiculous for a little while the more effectively he's marginalised, then he'll just drop out of sight.

I know this all sounds easier said than done, but as long as he thinks he's got even a few seconds of your attention, he'll keep playing for more. Drop him like a hot rock.

Good luck, You shouldn't have to be dealing with this kind of tripe, but humans will be schmucks, I guess.


Posted by Light & Dark at February 13, 2006 03:45 AM

Thanks Paul, I will do these things. Going back to work now will make it easier to ignore the little pipsqueak too.


Posted by Vinnie at February 13, 2006 01:03 PM


Is it Greg?

Posted by Rusty at February 16, 2006 12:33 AM
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