March 26, 2006

What did I do now?

I was making some changes to my sidebar, saved them, rebuilt, all that, and now the text in my posts is invisible!! Help! What the heck did I do????

Anyone? Anyone?

Posted by Groovyvic at March 26, 2006 02:38 AM | TrackBack

I assume you got it corrected? It's showing black text in posts for me in Firefox at 8:30 pm Mountain Time Saturday.


[and black text in Internet Exploder too]

Posted by Light & Dark at March 26, 2006 03:43 AM

Yes, Sadie came to my rescue. I must have had a brain fart or something.

Posted by GroovyVic at March 26, 2006 12:04 PM

Thought I smelled something...

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