April 19, 2006

It's that time again

Ok, so this is weird. I have my page set to Pacific Time, and yet lately it's posting an hour behind. For example, it is 1:18 right now,and the item I posted a few minutes ago says it went up at "12:08 PM". I noticed this for the first time yesterday, and I've never had this issue before.

I verified that it is in fact set to Pacific time (GMT-8)
Any ideas?

Posted by caltechgirl at April 19, 2006 08:21 PM | TrackBack

Same here. MuNu must still be on Standard Time.

Posted by Tuning Spork at April 19, 2006 11:48 PM

The servers run on GMT and don't adjust for daylight saving. The problem is that we are using a shared install of Movable Type, which takes its time settings from the server, and MT doesn't know about daylight saving at all. So you have to switch it manually if you want it to switch.

Posted by Pixy Misa at April 20, 2006 02:57 AM
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