April 21, 2006

DNS Setup

My domain (rishon-rishon.com) suddenly stopped working. I checked the DNS in its registration, and for some reason it was


I don't know why - I set it up over 2 years ago and haven't touched it since. In any case, I changed it to


and it's now been 24 hours and it's still not working. Is this right? Is there something that I have to do at the mu.nu end? Anyone know what's going on/how I can fix it?

Posted by David Boxenhorn at April 21, 2006 06:21 AM | TrackBack

That's exactly right, and I just tried it and it's working for me.

A very useful utility is the Squishywishywoo DNS checker at squish.net. It reports that rishon-rishon.com is set up just fine. It should certainly be working after 24 hours, and it's working for me, and it's set up correctly, so I'm a bit confuzzled. :(

Posted by Pixy Misa at April 21, 2006 11:34 PM

Thanks, Pixy. It is working fine for me now. Guess it just took some time. But where did those old DNS values come from?

Posted by David Boxenhorn at April 22, 2006 05:06 PM

Could this be a problem? Here are the results I got at the Squish link:


16.7% of queries will end in failure at (ns1.mu.nu) - failed to resolve ns.mu.nu due to - query timed out

16.7% of queries will end in failure at (ns2.mu.nu) - failed to resolve ns.mu.nu due to - query timed out

50.0% of queries will end in failure at (ns2.mu.nu) - query timed out

16.7% of queries will be returned by (ns.mu.nu)

rishon-rishon.com. 14400 IN A

Posted by David Boxenhorn at April 22, 2006 05:11 PM

I'd run into this problem a while back. It seems some ISP's Domain Name Servers don't see / recognize / point to the right place for the mu.nu domain.

I ended up using the DNS Server from a secondary ISP at work to access mu.nu sites.

There's an ISP in the northern US that was having problems for a while, but I haven't heard anything about it lately.

Posted by phin at April 25, 2006 01:01 PM
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